Our Services

At “The Institute” we pride ourselves on delivering unparalleled results. We offer a wide range of advanced aesthetic procedures with innovative technologies. All procedures are performed by qualified healthcare providers that have been trained by renowned experts in the field of aesthetics and cosmetic dermatology. 


Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT) are proteins that temporarily interrupt nerve signals of targeted muscles, resulting in decreased contraction.  This effect causes reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. Botulinum toxins are also used for the treatment of migraines, bruxism (grinding of teeth) and severe primary axillary hyperhidrosis (underarm sweating). Onset and longevity of results vary.

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that are injected beneath the skin to restore volume, smoothen lines, soften creases, and/or enhance facial contour. Most FDA approved dermal fillers are temporary since they are composed from materials that the body eventually breaks down and absorbs, such as hyaluronic acid (a sugar that is naturally found in the body), calcium hydroxylapatite (a mineral and major component of bone), and Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) (a biodegradable synthetic material). Onset and longevity of results vary. 

Dermal fillers are injected into the lips to increase volume, create symmetry, and natural enhancement. Dr. Batista uses a series of advanced injection techniques to perform this minimally invasive procedure in the office. 

An in-office procedure in which injectable dermal fillers are used to temporarily reshape an individual’s nose without surgery. 

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a platelet concentrated component from your own blood that contains nutrient rich cells and protein growth factors. PRP is a regenerative treatment used to promote collagen and elastin production, restore hair growth, and repair soft tissue injuries.

Plasma Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a second generation PRP that contains a higher concentration of the blood protein, fibrin, white blood cells, and stem cells. Its fibrin matrix traps platelet cytokines and other growth factors to release them gradually over time, yielding longer-lasting results. It stimulates cell turnover, collagen and elastin production, skin tightening, and volume. PRF is known as the natural filler. It can be injected just like a dermal filler into the nasolabial folds, cheeks, chin, jawline, temporal hollows, and under eyes. Its potency and natural origin make it the preferred treatment for hair regrowth and remodeling. 

Microneedling is a procedure that activates the body’s natural healing abilities to regenerate collagen and elastin for firmer, smoother, and evenly toned skin. At “The Institute”, practitioners use the first FDA approved microneedling device, SkinPen® to create micro-injuries on the skin, triggering the reparative response. 

Morpheus8® is a minimally invasive modular radiofrequency (RF) fractional solution for full body subdermal adipose remodeling. This device delivers the deepest fractional treatments available, penetrating subdermal tissue up to 8mm (7mm + 1mm thermal profile). This interchangeable portfolio of microneedling tips and radiofrequency promotes collagen and elastin production, skin tightening, facial and body contouring, and helps improve the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite. 

Hydrafacial is one of the most powerful, non-invasive, skin resurfacing treatments available. It combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and administration of antioxidant protection to remove dead skin cells and impurities, while simultaneously delivering moisturizing serums into the skin. 

A chemical peel is a procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove the top layer. It improves the texture, tone, and overall appearance of the skin on the face, neck, or hands. 

Polydioxanone (PDO) threads are biodegradable polyester sutures that are anchored and inserted into various layers of the skin using needles. Acclaimed to be the modern, non-surgical facelift, PDO threads instantly lift and tighten sagging skin, treat loose neck lines, loss of volume in cheeks, and fine lines and wrinkles. 

Sclerotherapy is a procedure used to treat varicose veins, spider veins, and blood vessel malformations. During the procedure, a solution, known as sclerosing agent, is injected directly into the vein. This sclerosant irritates the lining of the vessel and causes it to collapse, removing it from view.  


Candela’s GentleMax Pro Plus® is the gold standard for laser hair removal in all Fitzpatrick skin types. It is a dual wavelength laser platform that combines the fastest and most powerful 755 nm Alexandrite laser with the 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser for high performance treatment capabilities in terms of speed, ease-of-use, performance, safety, and patient satisfaction. 

The dual wavelength GentleMax Pro Plus® helps smoothen wrinkles by stimulating and increasing collagen production under the surface of the skin.

The dual wavelength GentleMax Pro Plus® promotes an overall improvement in the skin’s texture, tone, and pore size after a series of treatments. 

A controlled amount of therapeutic energy is delivered individually (Alexandrite or Nd:YAG) or optically (Alexandrite and Nd:YAG) in each pulse and delivered to target tissues. Thermal energy is selectively absorbed by target chromophores – melanin or hemoglobin – for destruction of pigmented and vascular lesions in target tissues. The thermal impact in target tissues stimulates proliferation of fibroblasts for enhanced collagen production. A cryogen system is integrated for enhanced patient tolerance. 

The dual wavelength GentleMax Pro Plus® is regarded as the most effective way to reduce most hyperpigmented discoloration. The lasers destroy the melanin-producing cells (melanocytes) without damaging the skin’s surface. 

The GentleMax Pro Plus® has the capability to destroy the capillaries of vascular lesions, such as port-wine stains and venous lake, without significantly damaging the overlying skin. 

The light, heat, and energy from the Alexandrite and YAG lasers causes the spider vein to coagulate, collapse, and seal. Over time, the unwanted spider veins will disappear to natural absorption into the surrounding tissue. 

The GentleMax Pro Plus® is an FDA approved device for the treatment of nail fungus without the pain and downtime of surgery. The laser device emits pulses of energy that produce heat- this heat destroys microbes that are infecting tissue. The laser energy easily penetrates through the toenail to the nail bed beneath, where the fungus is likely also present. This ability to penetrate the full thickness of the toenail is what leads to successful results. 


IV vitamin therapy, also known as, intravenous micronutrient therapy, is the delivery of vitamins, minerals, amino-acids, and antioxidants intravenously. This method allows for rapid absorption of higher concentrations in the bloodstream. Ideal for individuals seeking to promote cardiovascular health, boost the immune system, increase energy and clarity, maintain a healthy weight, enhance hair, nails, and skin, and for those seeking alternative approaches to pain management. 

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), also known as natural hormone therapy, is the use of hormones that are identical at a molecular level with endogenous hormones in hormone replacement therapy. BHRT may help treat fatigue, sleep disorders, weight gain, brain fog, decreased sexual performance, low mood, anxiety, and decreased bone density among others. The symptoms of hormone imbalance can be frustrating to experience, but BHRT may help patients live a normal life. 

Health care provider (HCP) supervised weight loss programs are individualized patient-tailored weight loss regimens led by medical professionals. They are geared towards maintaining a healthier lifestyle, improving quality of life, and decreasing the risks of certain medical conditions, such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. The consultation can include a detailed medical evaluation for obesity-related conditions, evaluation of daily lifestyle, a physical exam, weight history, and psychological evaluation. Treatments vary and may include, non-pharmacological and pharmacological approaches.